Moreover, the single customs territory alone can’t be blamed for rapidly declining transit cargo figures currently being experienced at the port of Dar es Salaam, some stakeholders argue.
They say a more valid reason for the cargo traffic drop at the country’s main sea-port is the government’s 18 per cent Value Added Tax (VAT) imposed on transit goods; a tax that does not apply to the rival ports of Mombasa in Kenya or Beira in Mozambique.
The proposal for Tanzania to remove itself from the EAC single customs territory (SCT) was made by members of the parliamentary watchdog committee when meeting with officials from the Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication in Dodoma on Monday.
”We have already lost a lot of cargo at the port as a result of implementing the single customs territory…in fact, we have been reduced to a mere tax collection agent for other countries,” committee vice-chairman Selemani Kakoso asserted during the meeting.
But among those who strongly faulted the committee for coming up with such a proposal when contacted by The Guardian yesterday - saying it was tantamount to abandoning the EAC as a whole - were prominent opposition member of parliament Zitto Kabwe and former EAC secretary general Juma Mwapachu.
According to Zitto, the Kigoma Urban MP from the ACT-Wazalendo party, the foundation of the envisaged wider EAC Customs Union requires a single customs territory in place which Tanzania cant get out of unless it quits the regional bloc altogether.
“What the parliamentary committee is proposing is tantamount to exiting the EAC as a whole. Let them say that they want ExiTan or TanExit, rather than picking on a single issue,” he said.
He called on government authorities to address the “fundamental reasons for low cargo at the Dar port…listen to transporters and reduce taxes.”
Ex-EAC secretary general Mwapachu said he felt saddened by the committee’s proposal and described it as being “erroneous, misinformed and dangerous.”
“It lacks logic and evidence because the purpose of the single customs territory now being executed in the two EAC countries with sea ports - Tanzania and Kenya - is to allow imports destined to landlocked EAC countries to move freely, and not as transit cargo as was previously the case,” Mwapachu said.
He explained that once the revenue authorities in the two countries have collected due customs duty based on the EAC-endorsed Common External Tariff, the imports en route to final destination cannot be hijacked and dumped in the originating EAC country because taxes would have already been collected.
“I can understand the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) doing so but not Rwanda or Burundi…besides, these countries acceded to the EAC single customs territory long before Tanzania did,” Mwapachu added.
Tanzania Freight Forwarders Association (TFFA) vice-president Edward Urio said there are only two reasons why cargo traffic has dropped at the port of Dar es Salaam, the first being the 18 per cent VAT charges imposed on transit goods, and the second being the existence of another single customs territory between Tanzania and the DRC.
“The government must work on the key matters that have led to the drop of cargo at the Dar port … it must sit down with key stakeholders so that they can be informed of what is really happening,” said Urio.



Police are anxiously waiting for Chris Brown to emerge from his home after a woman called 911 and accused him of pulling a gun on her. Watch a live stream of everything going down here.
Chris Brown, 27, is being investigated by police on Aug. 30. Cops were called to his L.A. home in the early morning by a woman who he allegedly argued with and pointed a gun at, according to TMZRay J was also reportedly in the home when this all went down, and one witness claims to the site that Chris was sleeping during the alleged incident.
The 27-year-old has not emerged from his home yet, and instead, has been sitting at his computer taking Instagram videos, ranting against the police. Now, officials are waiting outside for him to surrender, although he has not been served with an arrest warrant yet, so he cannot be forced to leave. Helicopters and cop cars are surrounding the area by his mansion, leaving a scene of chaos.

A lawyer for Chris’ baby mama, Nia Guzman, told HollywoodLife.com EXCLUSIVELY that the pair’s two-year-old daughter, Royalty, was inside the home at the time this all went down. “Fortunately, Nia was able to get Royalty back in her custody before police arrived,” Carl Anthony Moore explained to us EXCLUSIVELY.
Nia and Chris have already previously been embroiled in a custody battle, so this does not bode well for him if the lawyer is correct. When they met in court earlier this month, Nia was denied full custody, and was instead forced to continue the current joint custody agreement she and Chris had. Obviously, this incident might be something she could use against him in the future, and we’ll keep you updated on what comes next.
Source: hollywoodlife.com

in order to escape from being tortured, harassment and others women must change their behaviour, look at what things faced that women here

Alicia Keys recited a poem celebrating love and unity at the MTV VMAs. She recited in honor of Martin Luther King and his teaching.
Sunday, August 28 at Madison Square Garden in New York for the VMAs 2016, it was not just the performance of BeyoncĂ©, Kanye West melon courtship between Drake and Rihanna. So is Alicia Keys, she also appeared on stage at the annual happening organized by MTV.Not to interpret one of his songs, but to celebrate the 53rd anniversary of “I have a dream”, the most famous speech of Martin Luther King:“In his honor, I’d like to share a poem with you” , she said by way of introduction.

If the war is a virtue and sex a sin, then we are lost in this dream. Locked by borders and the lack of education, divided by differences, our sexuality and our skin”, recited the ‘artist.

“Maybe we can love”

The singer then took advantage of her powerful mezzo-soprano to continue its text, a cappella:
“We can fear us, hate us, but we can break these walls. We can build walls, but we need each other […] Maybe we can love, perhaps that we can be more careful [other] instead of releasing the bombs of the holy war. “
Silence, thanks, moved applause from the audience. By entering in the footsteps of famous activist during High Mass MTV devoted to the most bankable stars of pop music, Alicia Keys used his influential status as an artist to share a message of peace and living together .
This is not luxury in the wake context of racial tensions in the United States – nor of the differences amid faith in France. The poem of the singer is to listen in the video above.

While severing someone’s head and attaching it to another person’s body sounds like something straight out of a science fiction or horror movie, some real-life scientists say they are planning to do just that – as early as next year.

Italian neuroscientist Dr. Sergio Canavero made headlines last year when he announced his plans to perform the first human head transplant in 2017. Since then, he’s recruited Chinese surgeon Dr. Xiaoping Ren to work with him, and now has found a volunteer patient for the procedure: a Russian man named Valery Spiridonov.

Spiridonov suffers from Werdnig-Hoffmann Disease, a rare and often fatal genetic disorder that breaks down muscles and kills nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord that help the body move. Spiridonov is confined to a wheelchair; his limbs are shriveled and his movements essentially limited to feeding himself, typing, and controlling his wheelchair with a joystick.

In its September issue, The Atlantic profiles Spiridonov and the two scientists who hope to perform the experimental – and highly controversial – procedure.

“Removing all the sick parts but the head would do a great job in my case,” Spiridonov told the magazine. “I couldn’t see any other way to treat myself.”

Many scientists have spoken out against Canavero and Ren’s plans, accusing them of promoting junk science and creating false hopes. One critic went so far as to say the scientists should be charged with murder if the patient dies, a very likely outcome.

Canavero has published detailed plans for the procedure, which has been successfully tested in mice, in several papers published in the journal Surgical Neurology International.

First, like with other organ transplants, he and his team would need a suitable donor. This procedure would require a body from a young brain-dead male patient.

Once permission from the family is granted, the surgeons would set the body up for surgical decapitation.

At the same time, Spiridonov would be brought in and another surgical team would cool his body to 50 degrees Fahrenheit. This would delay tissue death in the brain for about an hour, meaning the surgeons would need to work quickly.

Using a transparent diamond blade, they would then remove both patients’ heads from their bodies, ultimately severing their spinal cords at the same time.

A custom-made crane would be used to shift Spiridonov’s head – hanging by Velcro straps – onto the donor body’s neck. The two ends of the spinal cord would then be fused together with a chemical called polyethylene glycol, or PEG, which has been shown to promote regrowth of cells that make up the spinal cord.

The muscles and blood supply from the donor body would then be joined with Spiridonov’s head, and he would be kept in a coma for three to four weeks to prevent movement as he healed. Implanted electrodes would be used to stimulate the spinal cord to strengthen new nerve connections.

Canavero has said the transplant – which would require 80 surgeons and cost tens of millions of dollars if approved – would have a “90 percent plus” chance of success.

Yet many in the scientific community strongly disagree.

“It is both rotten scientifically and lousy ethically,” Arthur Caplan, the head of medical ethics at NYU Langone Medical Center, wrote in an article for Forbes last year.

Dr. Jerry Silver, a neuroscientist at Case Western Reserve whose work on repairing spinal cord injuries was cited by Canavero, told CBS News in 2013 that the proposed transplant is “bad science. This should never happen.”

“Just to do the experiments is unethical,” he added.

Even in the unlikely event that the surgery worked, it raises further, uncharted ethical concerns.

For example, Canavero is presuming that transplanting Spiridonov’s head and brain onto another body would automatically transplant his whole self with his mind, personality, and consciousness. But it’s not that simple, as Anto Cartolovni and Antonio Spagnolo, two Italian bioethicists, pointed out in a letter to Surgical Neurology International after Canavero’s paper was published last year.

“Despite his [Canavero’s] vision, modern cognitive science shows that our cognition is an embodied cognition, in which the body is a real part in the formation of human self,” they write. “Therefore, the person will encounter huge difficulties to incorporate the new body in its already existing body schema and body image that would have strong implications on human identity.”

Furthermore, if Spiridonov were to reproduce with his new body, his children would not have his genetic makeup but that of the donor’s. What kind of rights, then, might the donor’s family have to the offspring?

Finally, Cartolovni and Spagnolo argue that because of the uncertainty of the operation, such a procedure would take away vital donor organs that could have been used for someone else who needed a heart or a liver transplant to save their lives.

If approved, the procedure would likely take place in China or another country outside of Europe or the United States, The Atlantic reports, as it would not be approved in the Western world.

A 23-year-old black Ohio man has been sentenced to 45 years in prison after exchanging gunfire with Canton police in January.  This week, a judge sentenced Kelontre Barefield to be incarcerated for 11 years on multiple burglary charges and 34 years for the death of Jethro, a three-year-old German Shepherd who served as a member of the department’s K-9 unit. Both sentences are to be served consecutively.
Barefield, who was shot in the ankle by the police, was found guilty of the charges leveled against him; for killing Jethro, the 3-year-old German shepherd dog, and other unrelated robbery charges. He was sentenced to 11 years imprisonment on burglary charges and 34 years for the death of the dog who happened to be a K-9 unit member.
Furthermore, Jethro’s death rather necessitated an introduction of a bill which further intensified the punishment given to people who kill police dogs. On the other hand, the police are also noted for killing other people’s dogs especially during home raids but that goes unpunished as usual.
The system of justice in America never ceases to amaze me. The swift manner in which the Black man was prosecuted for killing a police dog is overwhelming. Meanwhile, police kill Black people frequently and yet they walk away free. If they could sentence a man to 34 years imprisonment for killing a dog, how long should an officer spend behind bars for killing an innocent Black man? This is a clear case of double standards. Does the American justice system now rate the life of a dog more precious than that of a Black person?


1. Take PEP Pills (For HIV Prevention)

If you suspect that he person you were shagging with is a walking corpse, and you can’t get them to go get tested with you, you need to take PEP pills (Post Exposure Pills). Most people don’t know that they are usually given for free in public hospitals all over Kenya. However, the medical personnel will ask you lots of questions and sometimes request you to come with the person you slept with. Despite all this you should insist on being given the pills. But what if you don’t want to endure the stress of public hospitals? Go to a chemist. The pills cost around 2K. Better safe than sorry right?

The pills are taken over a month and should be started right away. They are still effective 72 hours after a condom breaks but are most effective when taken as soon as possible. There are reliable in preventing HIV infection
2. Wash your private parts and take a piss
chances of STi infection. However this shouldn’t be the only measure you take. Incorporate the others too.
3. Take P2 Pills (For Pregnancy Prevention)3. Take P2 Pills (For Pregnancy Prevention)
For chicks, the p2 pills, otherwise known as the E-pills or morning-after pills are the most effective way to prevent getting knocked up after a CD breaks. These pills are mostly effective when taken right away but can be taken up to 72 hours after. Some chicks can experience side effects such as include abdominal pain, nausea, fatigue, menstrual changes, and headaches.

A man from Tripura, India was arrested for trying to bury his 10-year-old daughter alive right at the backyard of their home.
Abdul Hussein – the father, was accused of tying up and taping his young daughter’s mouth before burying her in the ground while his wife was not home. According to police sources the reason behind Abdul’s cruel action is because he despise the kid for being a girl.
The alleged dug a pit in his backyard, put his daughter in the hole with her hands tied together and her mouth taped up, and then filled up the pit to chest level, with her arms and head above the dirt floor.
But the crime was interrupted because his wife returned home. Abdul then covered his daughter’s head using a bamboo basket, with the intent to bury the girl later.

However his suspicious wife began to question where the little kid was, and sooner raised an alarm. Neighbors nearby come for help and sooner discovered and rescued the halfly-buried girl in the pit. Rescuers then beat the suspect and later informed the police.
Hussein was then arrested, and now facing charges of attempted murder.

Watch the shocking video below:

Sometimes people are committing crimes just because they don’t like something. This should serve as a lesson to those heartless people out there to think clearly before making such cruel actions. Children should be love and taken care of, not to be beaten up and buried to death. Via: NDTV